Senn Wins the 2022 NCHA Vice President Election


FORT WORTH – The National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) announces the next NCHA Vice President will be Mark Senn from Augusta, Georgia. Senn will take on his new position as Vice President starting on June 5, 2022.
Senn received 2,130 votes to win the election with a 68.2 percent majority.

Senn has been an NCHA member since 2006. Senn is an Amateur competitor who currently serves as chairman of the NCHA Finance committee where he serves with the goals of bringing more transparency and accountability of the NCHA finances and establishing investment guidelines and goals. In addition, he has served as a Region 5 representative, an Area 18 board member, and an Atlantic Coast Cutting Horse Association board member.
“The NCHA has provided me the opportunity to not only participate but get to know and appreciate the people that continue the traditions and heritage of this western sport,” incoming NCHA vice-president, Senn said. “The people in cutting and the cutting horse family make the organization special to all involved. I would like to see the NCHA grow the awareness of the sport and become the very best equine organization.”
Senn’s full biography and plans for serving as an NCHA officer were published in the 2022 Spring issue of the Cutting Horse Chatter which can be found online at

By NCHA Press Release