Olympic-Style Medals handed out at the Only Gold Medal Rodeo in the World. The Days of ’47 Cowboy Games & Rodeo in Salt Lake City

While the 2020NE Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo are just getting underway, the Only Gold Medal Rodeo in the World came to a close on Pioneer Day in Utah at the Days of '47 Cowboy Games and Rodeo presented by Zions Bank in Salt Lake City. Making the evening more special was that July 24 was also the National Day of the Cowboy in 2021.
Breakaway roper Tacy Kay Webb turned in the fastest time stopping the clock in a quick 1.95 seconds to win her first Gold Medal. Webb, of Madisonville, TX, got a standing ovation from the sold out crowd thanking her for her work as an ICU nurse in dealing with COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.