Cutters Back in Cowtown

Expect back numbers for horses, face masks for humans afoot, and unexcelled competition, as the 2020 NCHA Metallic Cat Summer Cutting Spectacular begins its 24-day run on Friday, July 10, at Will Rogers Equestrian Center in Fort Worth.
The action begins on Friday with eight sets of 5- & 6-year-old Classic Challenge Open competitors. The go-round will conclude with two sets on Saturday, followed by five sets of Derby Open first go-round competition. The Derby Open go-round will conclude on Sunday, July 12, with eight sets.

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NCHA Executive Committee Passes New Changes in Response to COVID-19 Cases in Texas

In response to the ever-changing situation with COVID-19 cases in the state of Texas, the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Executive Committee voted and passed modifications for the upcoming 2020 NCHA Metallic Cat Summer Cutting Spectacular. The modifications include an extended entry deadline, refund options and a revised schedule format.

The NCHA Executive Committee has reopened entries for the 2020 NCHA Metallic Cat Summer Cutting Spectacular. Entries will remain open until Thursday, July 2, at noon CST. NCHA is asking members to enter via the online form located at or by contacting Cari Claxton at or 817-244-6188 ext. 131. Entries must have been received in the office by noon CST on July 2.

Read MoreNCHA Executive Committee Passes New Changes in Response to COVID-19 Cases in Texas

Letter from National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) President Steve Norris

Repost pic from NCHA FB
Repost pic from NCHA FB

— NCHA Mission Statement: The National Cutting Horse Association promotes and celebrates the cutting horse, whose origin on western ranches allows us to support ranching and its western heritage.

Dear NCHA Member:
I hope that this letter finds you and your family in good health and good spirit.
Once every hundred years or so, we are reminded not just how small our world truly is but also how strong and generous we are as people. Seeing so many of our neighbors, friends, business associates and family members supporting one another, coming together, making sacrifices for the common good and preserving, both alone and together, has given me great pride and renewed hope for our country, our economy and for humanity.

Read MoreLetter from National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) President Steve Norris

Barbra Schulte Honored with 2020 Equine Industry Vision Award

Photo courtesy AHP / Vicky Le Blanc
Photo courtesy AHP / Vicky Le Blanc

Zoetis and American Horse Publications (AHP) announced Barbra Schulte as the recipient of the 2020 Equine Industry Vision Award. The annual award, established and sponsored by Zoetis, recognizes the innovation and commitment made by an individual or organization to positively influence the equine industry. Zoetis presented the award to Schulte by video since the 2020 AHP Equine Media Conference was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read MoreBarbra Schulte Honored with 2020 Equine Industry Vision Award

Buster Welch Interview to be Televised on RFD-TV

Repost pic from WCRA
Repost pic from WCRA

Legendary cutter Buster Welch will visit with another legend, Red Steagall in an interview to be televised on Steagall’s West of Wall Street show on RFD-TV this Sunday, May 31 at 6:00 a.m. Central Time.
Welch, who is in the NCHA Riders Hall of Fame, NCHA Members Hall of Fame and AQHA Hall of Fame, and Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame is a four-time NCHA World Champion. He won the NCHA Futurity a record five times. His name is linked to such great horses as Peppy San Badger (“Little Peppy”), Mr San Peppy, Marion’s Girl, Peppymint Twist and many more.

Read MoreBuster Welch Interview to be Televised on RFD-TV

NCHA Reinstates World Standings And Programs

The National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) will reinstate the world standings and award programs beginning June 3rd. These standings will include Amateur Horse and Rider of the Year, Non-Pro and Open Horse of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Senior World Tour, World, Youth World and Youth Rookie of the Year Standings.
With the reinstatement of the NCHA world standings and programs, the expediated show approval process will expire on June 2nd. The NCHA show approval process will return to the original approval timelines.

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John Tolbert: 1954 – 2020

Photo by Sally Harrison
Photo by Sally Harrison

NCHA received word on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, that NCHA Hall of Fame Rider John Tolbert, 64, Andrews, Texas, has passed away.
Tolbert’s many accomplishments as a trainer include the 1993 NCHA Futurity championship win on Bobs Smokin Joe, and the 1985 NCHA Super Stakes co-championship on Boons Sierra. He also claimed two NCHA Futurity reserve championships, in 1984 on Boons Sierra, and in 1991 on Mr Peponita Flo, and was champion of the 1988 PCCHA Futurity on Lenas First Patent.

Read MoreJohn Tolbert: 1954 – 2020

National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Updates

Last week the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) announced that they will resume show approvals beginning April 27 recommending show producers and affiliates follow local and state guidelines to ensure the safety of their members while establishing best practices. The Executive Committee reviewed decisions regarding NCHA earnings and is looking forward to a safe return to horse shows. This timeline will continue to be evaluated as more guidelines are released from local and state officials. NCHA will provide a two week notice of any changes.

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