That’s a wrap on the first day of Art of the Cowgirl. It was great to see everyone back in Arizona at the Horseshoe Park & Equestrian Centre. Today included: clinics, workshops, Kimes Ranch Jeans World’s Greatest Horsewoman Rein Work presented by Western Horseman, vendors, Wrangler All Women’s Ranch Rodeo presented by COWGIRL Magazine and much more! We can’t wait to continue on throughout the next few days as we make this a memorable year. Let’s kick off day 2!
Rein Work Results
The official results for Kimes Ranch Jeans World’s Greatest Horsewoman presented by Western Horseman Rein Work are out. You can find all results here. The high rein score went to Tina Robinson and Once Upon A Hicapoo with a score of 150.50.
Ranch Rodeo Night One Results
The Wrangler All Women’s Ranch Rodeo is always one of the most exciting events to watch! It is so fun to see these ladies come together and display their skills. After night one, these are the unofficial results below.
Sitting in the top 5:
Espuela Team |Ranch Horse Score: 31| Team Roping Score: 31 | Total: 62
High Hock Team |Ranch Horse Score: 28 | Team Roping Score: 27 | Total: 55
Rancho Deluxe Team | Ranch Horse Score: 22 | Team Roping Score: 30 |Total: 52
Hammack Livestock Team | Ranch Horse Score: 19 | Team Roping Score: 29 | Total: 48
IW Ranch Team | Ranch Horse Score: 15 | Team Roping Score: 32 | Total: 47
Today’s Schedule
This morning we will continue on in the Merck Arena with the Wrangler All Women’s Ranch Rodeo Preliminaries presented by Cowgirl Magazine. There will be several clinics and workshops throughout the day including:
Lisa Barnes Packing Clinic
Cutting Clinic with Cara Brewer
Cowdog Clinic with Robin Brown
Horsemanship Clinic with Trina Morris
Horsemanship Clinic with Lee Smith
Refining Obstacle Performance with Clinic with Robin Bond
Don’t forget one of the best parts of Art of the Cowgirl – the Trade Show! Make sure to take the time to check out all of the amazing vendors and grab a bite to eat! We are amazed each year at the wonderful selection and lineup of vendors that participate in Art of the Cowgirl. You can find a full trade show vendor map here.
Join us for Steer Stopping and Fence Work.
Join us at 12 PM in the Merck Arena for the Kimes Ranch World’s Greatest Horsewoman presented by Western Horseman Steer Stopping followed by Fence Work. If you’re at home and wanting to follow along on the action, you can live stream here.
Cowgirl Fiesta Dinner
We cannot wait for our Cowgirl Fiesta dinner at 6 PM tonight! You can purchase your tickets here if you haven’t already. This fun dinner and fiesta will include music, dancing, and networking, while celebrating the contributions of women to the culture of the west. Join us for a chance to meet our team and mingle with our Master Artists, Quick Draw artists, and presenters. Music by Andy Hedges, Maggie Rose Hedges, Brigid Reedy, Elana James, and Trinity Seely.
Thank you to Earnhardt Auto Centers, National Ranching Heritage Center, and Vera Earl Premium Beef for supporting our Cowgirl Fiesta.
Maker Experience
For the first time, we are offering the opportunity to dabble in arts! We’re excited to offer short classes in the Maker Experience presented by Rio Grande to those wishing to create their very own piece of art at Art of the Cowgirl. Our professional instructors make their mediums approachable for any experience level, especially beginners!
Our classes start Friday morning and run through Sunday. Several mediums will be offered, including painting and drawing, metalsmithing, and leather working. We’re thrilled to offer some courses for adults and some just for kids.
Come spend an hour or a couple hours with us in our new Maker Experience presented by Rio Grande. Popping in to observe is very welcome!
Don’t miss out on our trailer and saddle raffle!
You can now purchase tickets for our annual refurbished vintage camper trailer raffle-Prairie rose Henderson vintage camper trailer.
The beautiful trailer was hand painted by Kristen Allen and refurbished by the Pate family. The drawing will take place Saturday night during the ranch rodeo finals at Art of the Cowgirl.
You do not need to be present to win but are responsible for arranging transportation. Purchase Tickets Now
You can also purchase tickets to win a beautiful saddle made by Saddle Maker Master Chelsea Sazama. It’s a 15.5 inch roughout seat, featuring handmade silver conchos with sunflower tooling. All proceeds to benefit the Art of the Cowgirl Fellowship Program. Purchase Tickets Now
Here’s to a busy and fun filled week filled with cowgirls, horses, art, music, and community! If you are still needing your tickets, purchase them here. Stay tuned for more updates.
If you can’t be with us in person, follow along on Facebook
and Instagram.
By Art of the Cowgirl Press Release