Cremona, November 15 — In Cremona, Italy, where the $730,000-Added IRHA/IRHBA/NRHA Futurity is being held, the 4-year-old Open Futurity concluded the day with an emotional final. Taking both the Level 4 Champion and Reserve titles, Italian rider Manuel Cortesi delivered a powerful and precise run, scoring 227.5 with Frozen Sven, a stallion by NRHA Three Million Dollar Sire SG Frozen Enterprize out of Ladymaster, owned by 7 Heaven Reining Horses and bred by Roberto Cuoghi. Cortesi went on to secure second place with a 225 aboard Knockin On Ice, a stallion also by SG Frozen Enterprize out of San July Jo Magnetic, bred by Giacomo Ronchi and owned by Michael Agostini.
“Frozen Sven is an amazing horse; I’ve shown him quite a bit, and he always gives me everything he can… we adore him,” said Cortesi about the stallion, originally owned by Arcese/Cuoghi and recently sold to Rolf and Monica Reinhart of 7 Heaven Reining Horses. “He’s a really athletic, strong horse who keeps improving.”
Cortesi was equally pleased with his second mount. “This is our first big show together. His dam is the same as July Joe Snap’s, with whom I’ve had much success. He still needs experience in the show pen, but I am confident he’ll become a great horse as he has both the physical and mental qualities required.”
Level 3
With a 220.5, the L3 Championship title went to Stefano Cerutti riding Questionably Frozen (SG Frozen Enterprize x Unquestionably Crome), owned by Stefano Scotti and bred by Lorenzo Lotti. “It’s been a very intense show season with lots of travel, so tonight’s result is rewarding for all the hard work,” said the Italian professional. “This is a great stallion purchased at the NRHA Markel Sale by Luga Quarter Horses and initially shown by Mirko Midili. Manuel Cortesi later guided him to the Open Futurity Finals last year, and I took over in February. Together, we were Reserve Champions in Level 3 at the Euro Futurity, won the 4-year-old Lombardy Regional Futurity, and now this. It’s been an amazing journey with him!”
Stefano Ferri and Spider Whiz (NRHA Nine Million Dollar Sire Spooks Gotta Whiz x Great Dun Pistol), owned by BO Ranch and bred by Christian Baldelli, scored a 219 for Reserve honors.
Level 2
Silvia Racco and Anthea Step (In Like Flinn x Chica Little Step), owned and bred by Claudio Zocchi, scored a 217.5 for the L2 Championship. “She was fantastic tonight! We made the finals last year at the IRHA Futurity and at the European Futurity this year, and tonight’s final together was really good. I’d like to thank the owner for trusting me with her,” said Racco. “I started riding her last summer, and I’d say we are now truly a close-knit team.”
The Reserve Championship with a 217 went to Valentina Sagmeister and Whizkey And Gun (Dun It For Whizkey x Pretty Miss Smokegun), owned by Barbara Leitner and bred by Irmgard Brendgens.
Level 1
In the L1 division, champions with a score of 214 were Aljaz Urbiha and One Electric Chex (NRHA Million Dollar Sire Electric Code x One Sugar Chex), a gelding owned and bred by Mojca Hrzenjak. “This horse was born at Ranch Marina, where I work in Slovenia, owned by the horse’s owner,” said Aljaz. “I’ve been riding him for just over a year and earned the L3 Reserve Championship at the Austrian Futurity this summer. This was our first big horse show together; we had some bobbles, but the final result was great.”
Marta Negri and Shine N Freckle (NRHA Two Million Dollar Sire Colonels Shining Gun x BRS Freckles Payday), a mare owned and bred by Lukas Czechowicz, scored a 213.5, securing the Reserve spot.
4-year-old Open Futurity: The numbers
$43.940- Added Level 4 – 37 entries
$11.870-Added Level 3 – 39 entries
$5.940-Added Level 2 – 57 entries
$2.850-Added Level 1 – 43 entries
The 39th edition of the IRHA Futurity & Championship Show is host to the NCHA of Italy Futurity and NCHA European Championship.
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Simona Diale/International Horse Press